6 September 2013
1.Chow group of r-cycles
Bass conjecture is finitely generative Abel group.3. Transition Theorem
The next i and j are regular closed immersion of codimension c, d. i:X→Y, j:Y→ZHere is given Cartesian diagram of the next scheme.X'—i'→Y'— j'→Z'
↓ ↓ ↓
X—i→Y— j →ZAt this time the next equality sign is set up.(j O i)! = i! O j! : CHr(Z') → CHr–c–d(X')[Consideration]1.
Synthesis of meaning of old word to new word is perfectly done by Transition theorem.2.
New word dimension decreases from old word adeducting additional meaning's codimension.
[Conjecture]Word has dimension. Additional meaning decreases dimension of word.
[References]1.hillseverzoho / Arithmetic Geometry Language